The Social Action Committee is collecting “Hot Stuff and Some Not So Hot” items for the Friendship Center. Collection will continue through FEBRUARY 13th. Click for details...
Mercy Mondays start Jan. 18th... pics from our College Dinner, First Reconciliation, Registration Evening... Hot Stuff collection continues... and more
What does the Church say about Marriage, Love, Sex and Family? A seminar will be offered at the the Franciscan Life Center on Feb. 27th & 28th... click for more
Join us for a Pancake Breakfast at Saint Paul School on Sunday, Jan. 24th after the 9am Mass. Adults $6, Children $5. Kids under 3, free. Tickets available at the school office or at the door.
Girl Scouts in the Archdiocese of Hartford will have an opportunity to earn a Religious Medal and Certificate in a program at St. Thomas Seminary on Saturday, February 27. Click for more info...
Our Lady of Cavalry Retreat Center allows visitors to "step aside from everyday concerns" on a beautiful property in Farmington where "tranquility and peace abound". Concerts, workshops, retreats and are offered throughout the year.