Our third graders made their First Holy Communion on April 30, 2016. Special thanks to all of our catechists who helped prepare these beautiful children for this special day.
Our third graders made their First Holy Communion on April 30, 2016. Special thanks to all of our catechists who helped prepare these beautiful children for this special day.
The Pope's Amoris Laetitia ('The Joy of Love') calls the family of God, to realize more and more her mission to live and love as a family.... click to learn more
"I have found that God speaks to me through other people; for this reason it is my duty, honor, and joy to put myself into groups of godly people. In this case, men are uniquely following God's call for each of us to love one another, pray for one another, so that we may be healed in spirit and magnify our victories and growth for His Glory. Just being present for the Lord and for these men has revived me and sustains me in my weekly routine. I would encourage other men in the Parish to check us out--perhaps coming to GET sharpened but finding out that they can sharpen others!"
"I feel so very blessed to be a part of this amazing group of spiritual like-minded men! Before joining this group, I never had a chance to share my faith and be encouraged by other men. I've learned so much from them and have gained much wisdom. We've grown together through the sharing of our experiences and our Faith. I find myself excited to participate in a group in a way I never have before in my life. Our fellowship has brought me many new friendships, has drawn me closer to God, and has helped me to become a better man for my family and for my Church."
"Very simply, my involvement has helped me to be a better man. I gain wisdom from the men in our group and I get to see firsthand how the Spirit moves in their lives. This helps me better discern the Spirit’s movement in my own life and energizes me to try to keep improving as a father, husband, business owner, parishioner, coach, etc. – all the roles I occupy throughout the day. I’m honored to know these men and share in the challenges and triumphs in their lives. I also love the many laughs we have!"
"There have not been very many opportunities, at least not for me, for Christ centered fellowship with other men. Sure, there are all kinds of conversation with people from all walks of life and that’s great, but being part of a group of men who share their spiritual gifts in an effort to strengthen each other is a really unique and awesome thing. What started out as a small group of men who attended a men’s retreat evolved into a group of friends who support each other in our faith and encourage each other to become better men. This is one of those opportunities in my life that’s definitely worth the time!"
"As I continue to grow in my faith and relationship with the Lord, I find myself alone and stagnant at times. The men's ACTS retreat came at a time when I needed something more. The men in this small group have so much compassion and life to share. This group is where I can open my thoughts, heart, and life and really be heard. No judgement or unwanted advice, just loving ears. I can really grow as a husband, father, man in my faith."
"I have found the ACTS II retreat the gift that keeps on giving. Having been involved in many service projects through the Knights of Columbus and other community groups, I have really enjoyed praying with other men and discovering a spiritual side to me that has been dormant. The ongoing fellowship with other spirit-filled men has been rewarding and a blessing."
The Knights of Columbus would like to thank those who took the time our of their day on March 17th to help make the Annual Red Cross Blood Drive a success...