Baptism pics... Sacred Heart Church Picnic pics... Youth Minister update... KGS update... Safety First... calendar is filling up with lots of special events...
Photos of college students and new parishioners... Volunteers needed for the Parish Picnic... Nurse ministry article... upcoming field trips... lots more.
Click on this link to read "Changing Your Spouse - And Yourself" and other similar articles from the "For Your Marriage" website. This site aims to keep marriages healthy by providing information, advice and support...
The annual Saint Paul School Golf Tournament will be held on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 15th. Save the date for this fun golf outing to support our parish school!
Feast of the Assumption Aug. 15th... Golf Tourneys... Blood Drive... Blue Mass in Hartford... Last Summer Camp field trip to Science Center... lots more.
Please consider volunteering some time to help plan this very popular event! Meet us in the Church Hall on August 17th at 7pm. It's always a great time! Click for details...