Congratulations to all of our high school students who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this weekend. Please pray that they will continue to grow closer to God and to be committed to our faith. Click/tap to check out all the news in this week's bulletin...
Gail and Tom Hodolitz will be coordinating the Helping Hands Ministry that provides support to our senior citizens. We are blessed to have volunteers who take the time to reach out to our seniors, especially those who are alone or separated from their loved ones, Click/tap to learn more or to volunteer for this important ministry...
Boy Scout Troop 256 will hold its 9th Annual “All-You-Can-Eat” Pancake Breakfast with the Easter Bunny! SUNDAY, APRIL 9th from 8am-12pm at the Italian Club in Kensington. Click for all the info...
St. Thomas Parish presents their 39th Annual Passion Play with evening and matinee performances at Southington Catholic School from April 8 through April 14. Click for more information...
Attention Middle Schoolers: Don't miss this EDGE event on SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd! Knockout Madness, Half-court Challenge, and a Special Project for those who don't want to play basketball! Sign up today and bring a friend!
The Blood Drive in the Church Hall on March 16th collected 39 pints of blood for the Red Cross. Just one single donation can save up to 3 lives. The blood drive was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 3675. Thank all parishioners who contributed to this worthy cause.
St. Paul parishioners, Patrick, Mark and Mary-Jane Duplin, spend one hour a week visiting the elderly at nearby Ledgecrest Health Care Center. Click to view an invitation from the Duplins to join them...
Please consider donating needed items to the St. Agnes Home and Prudence Crandall Center during the Lenten Collection sponsored by our Social Action Committee. Click to view the items most needed...
Can you serve as an Usher? Men, women, teenagers, retired... all are welcome! There will be a meeting on Wed., March 29th in the Church Hall at 7pm. Please join us!
Letters from Confirmation students... RCIA Candidates... Lenten Collection... Scholarship info... Bereavement support group... lots of information. Click to view this week's bulletin.
The EDGE Middle School Event for March was Human Tic-Tac-Toe! Another fun event that incorporated some good faith-based discussions. Click to see the pictures, and save the date for the next EDGE event on April 2nd!
Mark and Mary-Jane Duplin will be leading our efforts to promote the culture of life here at St. Paul Parish. Click/tap to view the Duplin's message to the parish...
The Social Action Committee would like to thank all those who donated items needed by the Friendship Service Center. Due to your generosity, approximately 120 bags were donated! The Friendship Center staff is very grateful for the support and would like to thank everyone from St. Paul Parish. GOD BLESS YOU for such a great response during this time of need.
Please note that the Parish Office will open at 10am on Wednesday, March 15th. The 7:00am Mass will be celebrated. If you plan to attend, please park in the parking lot. Do not park on the street.
All are invited to St. Ann Church in New Britain on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15th for "An Evening of Prayer and Lenten Reflection" with Fr. Ed Nadolny. Click for details...
As is our custom, please call or check on all of the Senior Citizens on your street and see if they need anything before the storm. If they do need something, try to pick it up for them. A promise to check up on them later, especially if the power goes out, would also be a big help. Your call and concern will be a comfort to the Seniors Citizens in our Town and remind them that they are not alone. - Fr. Robert and the Parish Staff