The annual Book Sale of the Archbishop O’Brien Library will be held JUNE 8&9 (Thurs & Frid) from 10am-4pm and JUNE 10th (Saturday) from 9:30am to 2pm. Included will be vintage books, theological classics, scripture, church history, spiritual life as well as fiction, coffee table books and reference materials. DVD’s/CD’s of various films and music will be available too. All are invited. Proceeds will benefit the library. Refreshments will be served. CLICK TO VIEW THE FLYER!
MIDDLE SCHOOLERS: Join us on SUNDAY, JUNE 4th at 6pm for another fun event. DIY Kites! Rain or shine. Bring a friend! Click for all the info and to register.
On Saturday, May 20, Archbishop Leonard P. Blair ordained three men to the Holy Priesthood: Reverend Mr. Glen Dmytryszyn, Reverend Mr. Eduar Gutiérrez Tovar and Reverend Mr. Eric Zuniga. Click for the story and to learn more about these apostles of Jesus.
Join us on June 4th for a special ceremony to dedicate our New Parish Green! The brief ceremony will be held after the 12:00pm Mass and will be followed by light refreshments. Thank you to all who donated to this project, to all who prayed that it would be successful, and to all who worked so hard to make it happen. We hope to see you on June 4th to celebrate in our new beautiful space.
Click to find out more about the miraculous Apparitions at Fatima and about Our Lady's message to three young shepherd children. The Blessed Mother's message is as relevant today as it was in 1917!
Welcome Friar Tim! Campus updates... Religious Ed registration... Culture of Life info... Summer Camp info... Lots of June meetings and events! Click for all the details.
The Prayer Shawl meeting on Tuesday, June 13th will be the last meeting until September. For that meeting only, the meeting will start at 12:00pm. Please mark your calendars and note the time change from our normal start time of 1pm.
The St. Paul Rosary Makers will hold an Appreciation Luncheon on Monday, June 5th at 12pm. All members are invited to bring your beautiful selves and your appetite. RSVP to Phyllis, 860-828-4934.
The Ladies' Guild Banquet begins at 6:00 pm in the Church Hall, catered by the Big Green Pizza Truck. Includes salad, gourmet pizza, (gluten-free available), gelato, cappuccino, espresso, and wine. Please drop off $20 payment at the parish center by June 1st.
The Altar Servers will be going to Lake Compounce on June 27th! Please SIGN UP by June 1st. Click on this news item for the SIGN UP page. (Parents, please contact John Imbimbo if you would be willing to chaperone for the day.)
Wishing you a happy and blessed Mother's Day! Click for this week's bulletin... First Communion and Baptism pictures... Religious Ed information (Teachers Needed!)... Parish Green dedication... Summer Camp at Saint Paul... Summer programs at Catholic high schools... FoodShare... lots more.
The Culture of Life Ministry will hold its next meeting on Monday, May 15th at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. Come find out what's happening and how you can help promote the Culture of Life in our society. All are welcome!
The weather didn't cooperate this time, so there was a change of plans. The kids had to take a rain check for Capture the Flag, but the rainy Sunday evening turned out to be a lot of fun! After some prayer and discussion in the church, they headed over to the gym to play games and enjoy some snacks. Click to view the photo album...
There's a nice article in the New Britain Herald about the HomeFront project that took place on Saturday, May 6th. Click to read the article and see the photos. THANKS to all who volunteered!
It's time to plant the gardens on the parish campus, and the Gardening Committee is looking for extra helpers! Volunteers are needed to help plant flower beds and do some work around the new Parish Green. If you can help, please contact Carl or Kathy Ginotti at 860-402-4025.
Archbishop's Annual Appeal... Update on the parish green... Gardening volunteers needed... Bill's Pizza Night for SPS... Culture of Life news.... lots of 'News in the Neighborhood'.... click/tap for all the details.