We received many Thank You notes from those who received gifts from your generous support of the Angel Tree program at Christmastime. Take a moment to read these heartfelt notes of thanks...
The company that publishes our bulletin had a technical issue last week, so the bulletin was not available online until now. We're told the issue has been resolved. Thanks for your patience.
Our new initiative to help feed the hungry is starting to taking shape. There will be a planning meeting on MONDAY, FEB. 12th at 6:30pm. Click for details about the program or for information about how you can get involved.
Click to read Fr. Robert's letter about the Saint Clare Food Pantry. Reminder: when dropping off food for the pantry, please remember to keep your blue bag for your next shopping trip.
The 2018 March for Life brought hundreds of thousands of people from all over the country to Washington D.C. on Jan. 19th to support the protection of innocent life. Participating in the historic event were the leaders of our Culture of Life Ministry, Mark and Mary Jane Duplin, along with their son Patrick. Click to read about their experience and see some great photos...
A reminder as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week: You can support Saint Paul School when you shop on Amazon! AmazonSmile is a NO-COST fundraiser that benefits our parish school. Simply sign into Amazon through the AmazonSmile page for Saint Paul School. You shop. Amazon gives. Click for the link!
Fischer fund-raiser... SPS Open House... TEACH series... Free-Throw Contest... Pancake Breakfast... End-of-the-Year Campaign update... click for all the news.
ALL ARE INVITED to a benefit event for Vinny & Mikayla Fischer THIS THURSDAY, JANUARY 25TH from 5:30-9:30pm at Butchers & Bakers in Farmington, CT. Join us for LIVE music, food, drink specials & tons of raffle prizes! Click for more details...
This weekend for our High School youth group, we will have a BOARD GAME NIGHT in the gym from 7-8:30pm! Invite your friends to join us and pray for the Core Team of volunteers while we are on retreat from Saturday to Sunday.
There are many opportunities nearby for daily workshops, weekend retreats and a variety special programs for healing and renewal... click to explore some of the beautiful places that are only a short distance away.
Need to get away? Take a short drive to Mystic CT for an upcoming 'Winter Day of Recollection' on Wednesday. Feb. 21st on Enders Island. This Day of Recollection (9am-3:30pm) will be directed by Sr. Eugenia Brady, SJC and will focus on "The Mystery of Lent: Finding God in the Feasts and Fasts of Lent." Click for more information...
The Knights of Columbus will sponsor their annual Free-Throw Contest on Sunday, January 21, 2018 in the Saint Paul School gym from 1:00pm - 3:30pm. Click to view the flyer.
It was a wonderful blessing to have Archbishop Blair and Fr. James with us at St. Paul Parish last weekend. Thank you for visiting and celebrating Mass with us! For those who missed it, you can watch a recording of the January 7th 10:30am Mass by clicking on this link to our media page.
March for Life Jan. 18-19... End of the Year Appeal... St. Claire Food Pantry... Heating Update... Free-Throw Contest... College Dinner... click for all the news!
Our Culture of Life ministry will be participating in the 2018 March for Life in Washington DC! Click on this flyer for information about the March for Life event which will take place on JANUARY 19, 2018!