Feast of Saint Francis Oct. 4th... Blessing of Animals... Priests Convocation... Parishioner Receives Award... Ushers Counting... Calling New Altar Servers... click for all the news from our vibrant parish!
Our annual Trunk O' Treat will be early this year - Saturday, October 19th at 6pm. (Rain date is Oct. 26th) Save the date. Click to view the FLYER with all the information!
Mum Sale! ... Invitation for New Altar Servers... Volunteer Appreciation Open House... Berlin Fair Thank You & Pics... Blessing of Animals.. lots of news. Click to read this week's bulletin.
40 Days for Life... Knights' Mum Sale... Children's Choir Invitation... New Altar Servers Welcome... Synod Update...New Parishioners... the busy Fall Season is underway!
Remembering September 11th... Fr. Lucjan's story... Youth Ministry events this weekend... RCIA starting soon... Ladies' Guild bus trip... Happy Grandparents Day! Click for all the news in this week's bulletin.