Hope to see you at the Volunteer Appreciation Open House this weekend! Sunday, Oct. 23 after the noon Mass. Even if you did not RSVP, please stop by! Click for all the news in this week's bulletin...
Thank you to all who joined us for the Rosary Rally and the 40 Days for Life Rosary on the Parish Green on Saturday! It is said that the prayers of the Rosary are Music to Heaven's ears! Click to see photos...
Our Culture of Life Ministry is organizing a Prayer Vigil at Planned Parenthood in West Hartford on Saturday, October 22. Please consider joining in this public witness which has the potential to change hearts and to save a life! Click for all the details.
The Forward with Faith Campaign is currently underway. Click for details and links where you can learn more about this important initiative for our parish and our archdiocese!
Welcome Fr. Martin! Columbus Day... 40 Days for Life... Thanksgiving Food Drive... Baptism Pic... Public Square Rosary... Quilt Raffle... Save the Date for Trunk O' Treat and more!
Our Children's Rosary group joined with the 40 Days for Life campaign and dedicated the prayers of the Rosary on October 1st to the sanctity of human life and the end of abortion. Click to see photos and to learn more about our Children's Rosary group....