A Fall Mum Sale will take place on SATURDAY., SEPTEMBER 22 and SUNDAY., SEPTEMBER 23 on the Parish Green. Come support the Knights of Columbus and all of their charitable causes! Click for details...
The Knights of Columbus Msgr. Thomas L. Greylish Council #3675 will sponsor a Mother's Day Plant and Flower sale on MAY 11th - 13th. Click for more info...
Join us on Saturday, APRIL 28th for a delicious Polish Dinner sponsored by the Msgr. Thomas L Greylish Council # 3675 Knights of Columbus. Click for more information...
A Blood Drive will be held on THURSDAY, MARCH 15TH from 1-6pm in the St. Paul Church Hall. This drive is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Food will be provided. Contact REDCROSSBLOOD.ORG or call 1-800-733-2767 to schedule an appointment.
The Knights of Columbus Msgr. Greylish Council is offering two scholarships: The ALFRED GRECO Memorial Scholarship for $1,000 open to students whose father or grandfather is a member of the Knights of Columbus. The TERRANCE LESCOE Memorial Scholarship for $1,000 open to students who are residents of Berlin. Click for all the details.
The Knights of Columbus will sponsor their annual Free-Throw Contest on Sunday, January 21, 2018 in the Saint Paul School gym from 1:00pm - 3:30pm. Click to view the flyer.
Breakfast with Santa sponsored by the Knights of Columbus will be held this SUNDAY, DEC. 10th in the Saint Paul School gym. 8am-12pm. Click to view the flyer...
The Knights of Columbus Msgr. Thomas L Greylish Council # 3675 would like to thank everyone who donated to our Annual Veterans Clothing Drive for our Veterans' at the Rocky Hill Hospital and Home. Our Drive was a success. We would like to also thank those of you who donated items in memory of loved ones who have served our great country and have given their life for our Freedom.
A Collection of Clothing and Goods for Military Veterans will be held on Saturday, October 28th from 8am to 12pm at the VFW in Berlin. Click for details about this Collection sponsored by the Knights of Columbus...
The Knights of Columbus will be holding a Mum Sale on Saturday, September 23rd (12pm-6pm) and Sunday, September 24th (8am-1:30pm) on the Parish Green. There will be several colors and sizes to choose from. All proceeds will support the various charitable causes supported by the Knights. Thank you for your support!
Knights of Columbus Msgr. Thomas L Greylish Council # 3675 will be meeting on Tuesday July 11th at 7:00pm in the Church Hall (St. Paul Church) to discuss planning for the upcoming fraternal year. All Brother Knights are invited to attend. Contact Thomas at [email protected] for more information.
The Blood Drive in the Church Hall on March 16th collected 39 pints of blood for the Red Cross. Just one single donation can save up to 3 lives. The blood drive was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 3675. Thank all parishioners who contributed to this worthy cause.
On SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11th, the Knights of Columbus will be hosting the annual Breakfast with Santa! Breakfast will be held at the Saint Paul School Gym from 8:00am until 12:00pm. Click for details...
Msgr. Thomas L. Greylish Council Christmas party will be held on Tuesday December 13, 2016 at the Kensington Fire House. The dinner will start at 7pm. Please contact Ray Kalentkowski at 860-828-8248 if you plan on attending.
Due to the National election, the next Msgr. Thomas L Greylish Knights of Columbus meeting has been rescheduled and will take place on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st at 7pm in the Church Hall. All Brother Knights are welcome to attend.. Contact Thomas P. Sullivan at 860-505-8128 or at [email protected] with any questions.